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We are a leading specialist in restoration plaster technology. Thanks to our experience and expertise in the specialised field of "moisture remediation with and without salt ingress", we offer sophisticated solutions for interior and exterior buildings that have been working for over 60 years. The concept of sustainability characterises and guides all our business activities. We are convinced of the added value of our products as genuine problem solvers and recognise the benefits and positive impact of our work on the environment and society every day. This is reflected in all our products, development and research work, which we take into our own hands - always endeavouring to be number 1 as a developer and supplier of state-of-the-art surface technology for the renovation of old and new buildings, as well as listed buildings.

We always find a solution - even for challenging refurbishment cases, historic buildings or flooding. Providing sustainable, flexible and customised solutions means understanding the different needs of our customers. We endeavour to preserve and protect existing assets for future generations. The careful use of limited resources and recognising the natural laws of nature is our success.


Our philosophy is to serve you with our long-term experience in restoration plaster technology and with a product quality that is second to none. The fact that our materials have been inspiring architects, planners and building owners alike for decades speaks for the reliability of our products. Our focus is on the high demands of building physics and we endeavour to offer solutions that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Taking into account the optimisation of energy efficiency and the use of sustainable, healthy building materials underlines our commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. The use of purely natural and mineral building materials, according to ancient recipes and the avoidance of synthetic chemicals, not only emphasises our responsibility towards the environment and the wellbeing of the people who use our products, they are also the key to why walls treated with our materials will stand up to the elements for many years to come. Our commitment to preserving existing values and not limiting future generations reflects our long-term perspective and our commitment to a sustainable future. We see ourselves as a partner who meets the wishes and challenges of our customers and at the same time fulfils the quality requirements - built on a solid foundation of experience, sustainability and the pursuit of excellence - in a customer-oriented and price-conscious manner. Our unreservedly high standards make us a valuable contributor to the construction industry and help to protect our natural resources.


The problem of moisture and water infiltration in masonry is omnipresent. The fact that our restoration plaster mortars made it possible to effectively remove moisture from wet and salt-contaminated walls decades ago demonstrates the many years of expertise and pioneering work of our experts in this field. Our products are used wherever water affects masonry. Fast drying of buildings after flood damage, the renovation of old monastery walls or from a stable to a residential building - our technology makes it possible.we offer holistic solutions for various construction projects and requirements. Our product portfolio ranges from natural mineral plasters, screeds and concrete repair materials to building biology and healthy thermal insulation systems in the form of a monolithic wall structure and durable finishing products. Breathable building materials of excellent quality, which are quick and easy to apply, speak in favour of the practicality and efficiency of the products. Our technology utilises the laws of physics and cooperation with nature to create dry and healthy building structures. They protect the masonry and thus preserve valuable building fabric. Sustainable and natural.


The development and production of our products takes place in Germany. This ensures quality and compliance with high production standards. And we do this on a natural basis and with a holistic approach to the design of products, manufacturing methods and processes, taking into account the entire product cycle. We are already present in many other countries through our sales partners, and our expertise in the moisture remediation of masonry makes us a leading specialist in this field there too. With our service representatives in the various countries, we ensure that our customers receive professional and competent support worldwide. This makes us a trustworthy provider of moisture remediation solutions.


Everything that is against nature will not last in the long run!

This important realisation by Charles Darwin is of great importance again today. The Cradle to Cradle approach, developed by Michael Braungart and William McDonough, is an impressive philosophy that promotes a consistent circular economy. All our lime and lime-cement mortars comply with this approach and can be returned to the natural or technical cycle as biological or technical nutrients. The focus on cradle-to-cradle is our understanding of sustainability and the protection of the environment. By using such products, buildings and construction projects can be designed to be more resource-efficient and ecologically compatible. This is both our highest aspiration and our ultimate goal.