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Learning from nature

Healthy for generations!

With our highly innovative and natural insulation systems, we utilise the physical laws of nature to achieve unique functionality. The aerius thermal insulation systems are highly permeable and offer high resistance to moisture and salts. Highly breathable, the materials meet all the requirements of high-quality renovations and sustainable construction.
With this in mind, they create a rock-solid, monolithic plaster structure (masonry "in one piece") without artificially packing our homes. They are therefore also ideal for the energy-efficient refurbishment of old buildings, historic buildings and for use in cellars and vaults.

All IBT aerius products consist of selected raw materials in combination with special, purely natural active ingredients.

The advantages

  • Without biocides and algicides
  • No plastic, no gluing
  • Sustainably high insulation performance
  • Dry building structure
  • Permanently good U-value
  • Moisture and salt resistant
  • For indoors and outdoors
  • Highly permeable
  • Non-combustible
  • For old and new buildings
  • For listed buildings

Insulation information

Insulation systems