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  • Because we can

    Preserve what others give up

  • Our passion

    Preserving the old, creating new values

  • Healthy living space

    with natural building materials

Welcome to the benefits of natural building materials for permanently dry walls

Our passion is defined by the renovation of historic, old and new building structures to eliminate all moisture problems. Whether caused by years of capillary rising damp, sudden water ingress due to heavy rain or flooding, these products have been used successfully for decades. We work exclusively with natural building materials. This is both our success and our passion. All materials work with the physical laws of nature. The result is weather-resistant buildings that are permanently dehumidified and prevent mould, fungi, algae, moss and aggressive salts from forming. This creates a healthy living space while saving energy at the same time.


Working with the laws of nature is our success!

HighQ dehumidification technology

Pioneering lime-cement products with a unique pore structure have been developed in line with today's ecological requirements and historical recipes. For fast drying of buildings with simultaneous resistance to renewed water and salt penetration.

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HighQ insulation systems

Unique insulating plaster systems with proven dehumidification properties have been developed on the basis of the latest ecological material research. For natural and biological energy saving in historic buildings, as well as for insulating old and new buildings.

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HighQ facade coating & climate change

IBT products are up to the challenge! Climate change places special demands on architects, building and urban planners. Climate researchers expect a significant increase in summer heat waves and heavy rainfall events. IBT products protect facades from heat and water ingress.

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Research & Development - Training

We research, develop and inform

We continue our research

The development of new and sustainable building materials is close to our hearts. We continue our research to develop new goals together and contribute to the Green Deal.

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Seminars for architects and planners

We organise seminars for architects and planners and provide information on the physical properties and versatile applications of our materials.

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Workshops for craftsmen

In our workshops, you will learn the simple techniques for using and combining our products and we will help you to develop new ideas.

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