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Climate change

Flood protection for buildings

The damage caused by floods (disasters) or heavy rainfall events is enormous. The products in the aerius line from IBT protect buildings from water damage and help to significantly reduce the negative effects. The permanent capillary suction, which all aerius products possess, protects a building structure in the event of flooding or other water damage. In the event of flooding by water, the applied plaster/screed/joint mortar repairs itself and removes the water from the entire substrate - without the need for artificial drying equipment. No bad-smelling, mouldy or dirty residues remain.

Dehumidifying plasters

Evaporative cooling thanks to innovative façade coating

With apollo A 100, the façades are given thermal insulation in summer thanks to the membrane effect. The principle is not based on the reflection of global solar radiation, but on the evaporation of water, which is absorbed by the coating during the night and morning hours, stored and released again during the day. This creates a pleasant evaporative cooling effect on the façade surface, whereby the masonry also heats up significantly less. The principle is simple, the transition from liquid water to water vapour consumes thermal energy and provides evaporative cooling. The method of evaporative cooling was used by the Greeks over 2000 years ago.

Buildings painted with apollo A100 heat up less, which reduces the energy consumption of air conditioning systems and heats up the environment less in urban areas.

Resisting climate change with innovative façade coatings

Climate change poses particular challenges for architects, building and urban planners. Climate researchers expect a significant increase in summer heatwaves. Heavy rainfall events are also becoming more frequent.